Saturday Feb 4th.

It felt like I was Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Once, twice, three times, I had to update the US #1 performer on the 1500m Indoor Lists.

At least I didn’t bump into my old classmate Ned Ryerson….

I could complain, but that would be silly, as it’s the very purpose of this site and it’s associated Socials to encourage outstanding performances nationwide. Morning & afternoon meets on the East Coast, followed by a West Coast meet I wasn’t even aware of, had me checking results, creating graphics & sending out social posts all day.


The progression during the day is just the type of activity that the event needs to continue to grow in depth and breadth, nationwide. Seeing the challenge set before you, and bettering it with a healthy mindset, is what will drive these young athletes to greatness inside and outside the athletic arena.

Championship season is upon us.

Things could get very interesting…