Where Are They Going, 2025 Edition

Signings will start soon for the 2025 school year. To facilitate this for athletes and coaches, here are the top HS Race Walk athletes from this graduation year. Always of interest is where the graduates from any year are going

Where Are They Going, 2024 Edition

Signings have started for the 2024 school year. Always of interest is where the graduates from any year are going to continue their academic and athletic careers in college. Most of the major sites covering Track & Field, regrettably, ignore

2023 Bruce MacDonald HS RW AOY Awards

Clayton Stoil & Heather Durrant were selected as the 2023 winners of the Athlete of the Year Awards. Watch their video announcements below. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel support our efforts.

LTAD in Race Walking

Race Walking, while traditionally kept outside the “normal” opportunity zones for long term athlete development, displays the same pattern of growth to achieve standing at the national or international level of competition. Athletes reaching the level of competency to compete