Summer track & field is back and registration opens today (Wed., July 8) for the NSAF x AthleticNET Summer Event Festivals, a unique series of virtual meets celebrating each event group – sprints, distances, throws and jumps. Each Festival will contest standard events in the group, a few “combined events” to add fire to each Festival and will reward those whose excellence is spread across multiple distances and/or disciplines.

Wednesday, July 8-Tuesday, July 21– Info and Registration HERE
Events (event combos scored using IAAF (WA) scoring tables, except Individual DMR (see below)):

  • 1. 400m (for purpose of completing individual DMR below)
  • 2. 800m
  • 3. 1200m (for purpose of completing individual DMR below)
  • 4. 1600m
  • 5. 3200m
  • 6. 3000m Walk
  • 7. 5000m
  • 8. 800m + 1600m (1600m scored with 1500m tables)
  • 9. 1600m + 3200m (3200m scored with 3000m tables)
  • 10. Individual DMR (400+800+1200+1600) (results determined by sum of time of each event)

Full details on all competitions is on the NSAF website.