World Athletics (formerly known as IAAF) has opened a survey where they are trying to gauge what is important to athletes, fans, coaches, administrators, etc., within the sport. With the Race Walking community being overlooked and underrepresented in discussions on the future of the sport as a whole, and our place within that conversation, this is an ideal time to leverage our collective voices and make sure that we are heard. LOUD & CLEARLY!
Here is the link to the SURVEY. It is linked to the governing body’s creation of a World Plan for Athletics 2022-2030.
When all the contributions have been submitted a draft plan will be presented to the World Athletics Council and then a final plan given to member federations for approval at the World Athletics Congress in November.
The process is being overseen by the World Plan Working Group, which is chaired by former triple jump world record-holder Willie Banks (USA Representative on the WA Council) and assisted by the Sports Business Group at Deloitte.