Yes, there are indoor meets happening in some areas of the country, so you can get some racing in and watch the live streams, when they are available. On 11/19 at 1:45 ET, you have one such opportunity, thanks to Coach Doug Edgar of Indiana Tech using the video below.

If, for some reason, it does not play in this page, you can use this link.

Here is the field that will be toeing the line in Fort Wayne.

1 Loanie Cellard SR Indiana Tech 13:35.00
2 Carson Johnson SO Cumberlands 13:37.61
3 Hayley Bickford Goshen 17:06.98
4 Jenna Grogan SO Cumberlands 20:59.99
5 Dean Freitag Rio Grande NT
6 Joyce Prohaska Unattached NT
7 David Swarts Unattached NT